25 Luglio 2024

Progetto We4Green - II evento

La nostra Project Manager, Gabriella Bigatti, sta lavorando all'organizzazione del 2° Evento di We4Green-Project.

Questa volta si terrà in Italia, nel Monferrato! dal 5 al 7 ottobre 2024.

Ten Municipalities take part in the project and any Event!
From Italy (Comuni di Ottiglio [Leader], Camagna Monferrato, Rosignano Monferrato, Sala Monferrato, Ozzano Monferrato and Cella Monte), from Latvia (Jelgava Local Municipality), from Poland (Suwalky City Municipality), from Spain (La Palma del Condado Municipality), from Cyprus (Platres Community Council

Gabriella Bigatti is the WE4GREEN Project Manager  

20 Aprile 2024

Progetto We4Green

Una settimana fa, sabato 13 aprile, si chiudeva l'Evento 1 del Progetto Cerv RETI DI CITTA' "WE4GREEN" con tappa a Cipro!
Progetto curato e supportato dalla nostra Agenzia Econsulenza.

EVENT 1 – DAY 3 April 13 - “WE4GREEN”

The training of DAY 3 was addressed to project management aspects by Gabriella Bigatti, WE4GREEN Project Manager
Then Green cases and sharing best practices. In particular our thanks to Paris Nikolaou, Manager for MaaSLab & Moby X Software Ltd (“Green Rural Mobilities”).

Then walking in local Platres for studying the Green Mobility Hub of Platres & Green Recycling Hubs
Lovely lunch and pause at Historic New Helvetia Hotel.

Followed by the Laboratory at the Cultural Centre! On Bubble Bee Hotels. Learning about Bees-Pollination & Solidarity Bees. The impact of Bee Hotels in creating a green culture for all ages
Manual activities for all participants!

At the end of day, saying goodbye, the participants agreed to meet in Monferrato (Italy) on 5-6-7 October 2024!

EVENT 1 – DAY 2 April 12 - “WE4GREEN”

The DAY 2 started with the training for the participants at the Cultural Centre. Presentation of Platres Community Council Projects & Best Practices for green transition, and they impact on rural communities.
Special presentation by Yioula Michaelidou Papakyriacou, Director of Troodos Network of Thematic Centers, on “Regenerative Green tourism. Lavender, Circular Economy & Ecological Products”

Then Study Visit in the Green Heart of Cyprus! Visiting the Troodos National Park – Natura 2000 - Information Centre, the Kyperounda Village, the local artisans and entrepreneurs; meeting the Director of the Troodos Regional Tourism Board (with presentation about Hiking and Biking Trails)
What a beautiful day!


Ten Municipalities Representants were in Cyprus last week!! Welcomed by Platres Community Council – in Troodos mountain area, they lived intensive days dedicated to Green Deal
Delegates from Italy (Comuni di Ottiglio [Leader], Camagna Monferrato, Rosignano Monferrato, Sala Monferrato, Ozzano Monferrato and Cella Monte), Latvia (Jelgava Local Municipality), Poland (Suwalky City Municipality), Spain (La Palma del Condado Municipality), met in presence the Cypriot delegates, guided by Panayiotis Papadopoulos (President of the Platres Community Council)

The WE4GREEN training EVENT 1, held at the headquarters of Platres Council and the George Seferis Conference Room at the Cultural Centre, scheduled in DAY 1 several activities in the agenda: overview of the project expected results, presentation of the 5 involved territories of the 5 Countries, focus on the European Green Deal (Transforming the EU Economy for a sustainable future),…

Ending the day at the Kallithea Inn (green Hotel), tasting local delightful flavours!

4 Aprile 2024

Progetto We4Green

Prossima settimana: a Cipro il primo Evento del progetto europeo Cerv #We4Green-Project.

La nostra Project Manager, Gabriella Bigatti, presenzierà all'evento e coordinerà i lavori dedicati a management e monitoraggio.

Le attività di training e le study Visits - dedicate alla Green transition - sono in capo al padrone di casa: Platres Community Council.
Ben 10 le Municipalità europee coinvolte!

25 Febbraio 2024

Evento europeo di Aprile 2024 a Platres - Cipro (WE4GREEN)

Sarà presente una Rappresentanza di 6 Comuni del Monferrato calasalese assieme a Gabriella Bigatti, nostra Project Manager della Agenzia Econsulenza

WE 4 GREEN Event 1 in CY

Delegation from the Municipalities of: Suwalky (Poland), La Palma del Condado (Spain), Jelgava (Latvia) and from Italy will be there in Platres (Cyprus)!
From Italian Monferrato area, representants from Ottiglio, Camagna Monferrato, Cella Monte, Ozzano Monferrato, Sala Monferrato and Rosignano Monferrato will attend Event 1.

5 gennaio 2024


A seguito della Conferenza stampa di lancio del progetto europeo di Rete di Città "WE4GREEN" tenutasi a Ottiglio il 21 Dicembre...


21 Dicembre 2023

Progetto CERV "WE4GREEN"

Avviato in data 1° dicembre 2023: il nuovo Progetto CERV -Reti di Città "WE4GREEN" è partito!
Ben 10 le Municipalità europee coinvolte nel progetto: ideato e progettato da Gabriella Bigatti Agenzia Econsulenza

E' sostenuto dalla Unione europea  ed ha durata di 24 mesi.

The CERV Project named We4Green-Project has started on December 1, 2023!!!

Thanks to European Commission for the cofinancing Ref N. 101138490 - CERV-2023-CITIZENS-TOWN-NT